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Issues & Political Concerns

Time for Change

Judicial System Reform

I do not support the “back the blue” movement that has taken this country by storm, as that is a broad term and covers a lot of different fields. I support the good officers, but not the system. As the system is broken, and needs fixing. Judges and Prosecutors need to be held accountable for their actions against the public. The Supreme Court needs term limits. Common ground needs to be found between the population and law enforcement, I am more than willing to be that mediator to come to a solution on the issues.

S.S.I Reform.

I see how the Social Security program is not truly for our elderly retirement age citizens, they have spent their whole life slaving away for a corporation, where taxes, medicare and SSI is automatically taken out of their paychecks. For most people this is 33% out of their pay immediately, then to find out that the system is failing once they need it. Social Security is failing because it is tied to unethical programs like Title 4-D of the Federal Child Support Act, that now forces you into the program. It seems like manipulation of funds with out due process. The options we have are: to end the program and pay out the sums; make it optional to enter and exit the program just like any other retirement program.; Take out all the ties the Social Security Program has to other unethical programs. This should all be a vote by the public, not to congress who mandates the program.

Abolish the Federal Reserve & Combat Inflation

I can't remove the Federal Reserve from this country on my own, but I will fight to end the Federal Reserve in the United States, and it's fiat currency. We need to be backed by tangible goods, and by pushing the United States Treasurer to help with this change we can bring down inflation and over taxation.

Health Care

My goal is to remove federal control over healthcare, as it is an individual issue. You know what is best for you and your family. We need to end the federal over step of the last two years. We need to take preventative measures so this can never happen to our country again in the future.

The Environment

The United States dropped its first nuclear bomb on July 16th, 1945, since then 8 nations have detonated 2,056 above and below ground nuclear bombs. The core of a nuclear explosion is 100,000,000 Degrees Celsius. The surface of Sun is 5,600 Degrees Celsius. Now if we were to do the math, between 1945 and 2022 it would average out to be approximately 26.7 nuclear bombs being detonated each year. I think that this is a major issue that should be addressed by all nations to study the long term effects our environmental negligence. These nuclear explosions need to cease.


The Department of Education is corrupt and self serving, they should not have the power to tell our local schools what can and cannot be taught. The Department of Education needs to be dismantled. We need schools to teach life skills, not to just follow directions to ensure they are obedient employees for the future. Education should be the parent's responsibility first, the educational system's second. Those in home school capacities should get funding to support their education, just as if they were in public school. If there is surplus after they graduate the funds for that student should be able to go towards a college education then, if they do not attend college it would go back into the main fund for home schooled children.

Term Limits

If corrupt career politicians will not set term limits on themselves, then I will! There should be a two term limit, that is what we have on the presidency, it should be the same way when you trickle down the system. If I do not make a positive impact then I will not run again after serving my one term, the only way I will run a second term is if there is an overwhelming request, otherwise I will leave politics. With 330 Million people in the United States there are more ideas that we can fathom, I would personally love to hear more than one agenda or idea, as we have an impressive population to choose from.

Tax Reform

It's your money, you should keep it, you know how to invest it better.

Enforcing the Constitution

The foundation of our Country or it doesn't comply.

Military & the Veterans

With each new administration we have massive swings from spending huge amounts on the military to then limiting spending on the military's needs, We need this to stop. We need a strong fist, with a voice of understanding and reason. Veterans will have access to the resources they need, as people are not expendable.

Native American Relations

As a nation we need to work with our native community, I feel that the ties with the native community and our government have been and currently are poor at best. It is my intention to strengthen these ties better than they have been any time in our recorded history. WE THE PEOPLE, applies to all the people. The rights of the native people and their history should be taught in our communities so that we may learn from our past mistakes. This idea is to better unite us as nations. We should treat our fellow man as family.

Projects : Issues
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